Basic Implementation

AnyQ is designed to use in .NET 4.5 and above projects.

Import the Packages

To use AnyQ in your project, install a queue implementation of your choice. In this example we will be using AnyQ.Queues.Msmq. We will also be using a pre-existing serializer.

Install-Package AnyQ.Queues.Msmq
Install-Package AnyQ.Formatters.Json

Initialize the Components

In order to set up communication with a message queue, we need to first initialize some components so that AnyQ knows how to properly send and receive messages.

Creating the Listener

First, we need a payload formatter and a job request serializer.

// This tells AnyQ how to format the data when inserting it into the queue
var payloadFormatter = new JsonPayloadFormatter();
// This tells AnyQ how to deserialize the data coming back from the queue
var requestSerializer = new JsonRequestSerializer();

Now we can provide those dependencies to the IJobQueueFactory implementation.

// AnyQ.Queues.Msmq provides one that interacts with MSMQ for us.
var jobQueueFactory = new AnyQ.Queues.Msmq.MsmqJobQueueFactory(payloadFormatter, requestSerializer);

Finally, we can initialize our JobQueueListener with the newly created IJobQueueFactory implementation.

var listener = new JobQueueListener(jobQueueFactory);

The JobQueueListener is now ready to receive messages on the queue, but doesn't what queue to look for those messages on. That is handled by JobHandlers.

Creating the Job Handler

Job Handlers are where the bulk of the code you write will reside, and are covered in more detail here. For now, we will create a simple handler that waits 5 seconds, then outputs the Payload passed to it to the console.

public class Payload {
    public string Message { get; set; }

public class ConsoleJobHandler : JobHandler {
    private readonly IPayloadFormatter _payloadFormatter;
    private readonly HandlerConfiguration _handlerConfiguration;

    public ConsoleJobHandler(IPayloadFormatter payloadFormatter, HandlerConfiguration handlerConfiguration) {
        _payloadFormatter = payloadFormatter;
        _handlerConfiguration = handlerConfiguration;

    public override HandlerConfiguration Configuration => _handlerConfiguration;

    public override bool CanProcess(ProcessingRequest request) {
        return request.JobRequest.Type == "console";

    public override async Task ProcessAsync(ProcessingRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
        var payload = _payloadFormatter.Read<Payload>(request.JobRequest.Payload);
        Console.WriteLine("Waiting 5 seconds...");
        await Task.Delay(5000);
        OnProcessingCompleted(request);  // make sure to call OnProcessingCompleted()

We can now feed this handler to the listener, specifying the queue the messages will arrive on.

const string queueId = @".\private$\test";
var handler = new ConsoleJobHandler(payloadFormatter, new AnyQ.Jobs.HandlerConfiguration {
    QueueId = queueId,
    QueueName = "Console Queue"


Calling AddHandler() on our listener causes it to contact the backing queue and initialize (or update) the queue using the configuration specified in the HandlerConfiguration exposed by the JobHandler.

Finally, we simply call Listen() on the listener to have it start receiving messages.


We now have everything we need to send jobs to our queue to be processed.

Sending Jobs to the Queue

In order to send a job to a queue, we call SendJob() on the listener, passing in the identifier for the queue the job will go to, a "type" for the job, a data payload, and a human-readable label.

listener.SendJob(queueId, "console", new Payload {
    Message = "Hello, AnyQ!"
}, "Test Job 1");

Now that we have our listener already listening, the job will be immediately picked up and processed.

Next Steps

You are now ready to begin writing real Job Handlers.